Tuesday, March 08, 2011

RETURN OF THE LIVE SKETCH (or the live sketch strikes back)!!!

Hopefully the brief hiatus I took from broadcasting my show last week hasn't cost me my regular viewers. For those still on board, I'm back tomorrow night drawing live on Ustream! As in previous weeks, I'll be broadcasting from 8 pm to 9:30 pm Eastern time on Wednesday night from this link.
This week's theme is Star Wars, a subject VERY close to my heart. I was five years old when my dad took me to see the original film, re-released to coincide with with new release of The Empire Strikes Back in 1980. Since then, I've been enamored with the wonky world created by George Lucas, and I'm thrilled to have the chance to draw his characters live for you guys!
This week, I'm doing things just a little different. Because of the complexity of some of the Star Wars characters, I'm asking you guys to come up with TWELVE Star Wars characters for me to draw before the show even airs tomorrow night. This will allow me time to gather reference material and draw the most faithful interpretations of the characters I can manage. E-mail me your suggestions NOW at: fourpanelhero@hotmail.com. The first twelve ideas I get will be what gets drawn, so hit me up now before the list gets filled!   
Even though I'm taking advanced suggestions for this week's show, you're still invited to contact me during the show via Ustream's chat window. You need to log in to Ustream to use the window, but registering is easy. It only takes a username and an email address. Once you've entered that info, you can chat with me and suggest stuff for me to draw. Just like last week, I'll have loads of useless trivia and my own brand of quirky humor to inject (or infect) into each sketch I create! I MAY even try to slip in some suggestions during the show if time allows!

Can't wait to draw and chat with you guys soon! Hope to see you there!


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