Now, most of you guys reading this know me pretty well. You know I believe in fate, and that I believe wholeheartedly in symbols and signs. Well, I received a message from a fan this morning, pointing me to a recently released product that I've desired for many, many years but never thought would be made available to the public. Seeing the signs as clear as day, I jumped in my car and headed off to purchase a symbol of my destiny.

Yes friends, Howard the Duck has been released on DVD, and now I own it! I don't care what the movie going public has to say about this flick. I loved it when I was twelve and saw repeat viewings of it in the theater while devouring back issues of the original comic book. And I still love it today. Howard the Duck is easily the biggest influence on Dead Duck EVER. It ignited my passion for cartoon ducks and made me want to create my own.
The fact that I discovered the release of this DVD today, the exact day that I turned in the full three years worth of work I did on Dead Duck to my publisher, is a glowing beacon, a sign that this is what I was meant to do, that I'm on the path I'm supposed to be on, and that Dead Duck will be a success. Yes, I got all that from a DVD. I don't criticize your signs. The fact that today's the first day of spring is also symbolic; the birth of great things to come. I believe that sums up Dead Duck aptly.
And speaking of great things to come, the Michigan Comics Exhibition I'm participating in happens next week. I'll try and take pictures at the event and post them here.
Well, thanks for sticking with me, kids! More news to come, more symbols to view, and more success on the horizon…
Congrads, Jay! I'm so proud of you! Way to go, dude! WHOOOOO FUCKIN' HOOOOOOO!!!!!
Homer Simpson is now doing a couch dance for you and has fallen off and landed on Sata's Little Helper. I hope everything else goes right for you in the future! Can't wait to read Dead Duck!
Sideshowjane from DA.
Seriously Jay, when the hell does this thing hit stands? I don't know that I can wait too much longer. One thing is for sure, you know how to build up suspense!!! Congrats on everything Jay, you deserve all the credit you can get for your hard work and determination. You're a beacon of hope for us all. May the force be with you.
Congrats buddy, we're crazy proud of you. I'm sure it must feel great. We should get together and celebrate or something.
Anyway, what are you doing on a daily basis now that you're all set with Dead Duck...for now...?
"Comic books don't rot the mind, Church rots the mind." Fell free to quote me on that :-)
That's Awesome News!!! I can't wait to see it in print. Power to the DUCK! and truth be told it was actually a duck that brang back the olive branch to Noah not the back stabbing, scene stealing Dove.
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